Saturday, 7 June 2014

How TV Is Destroying Your Life Or Less TV, More Life!

After many years and googolplexs of hours of TV watching, the 2 of us have decided to prune it back.  It's our second week of deciding to let life in!  The rules are simple; no TV Monday - Thursday, TV on Friday evening, on Saturday & Sunday no TV until mid morning & then only one programme until the evening.

Western society has gradually increased it's awareness of the dangers of sugar, one day TV will be seen in the same way.  At the moment there has been zero public discussion of this.  TV is universally loved and celebrated. At it's best TV can be inspiring, moving, informative and of course highly entertaining.  At it's worst, time wasting, depressing, life-sucking garbage.  I've always enjoyed TV, but I can no longer ignore the fact that I've used TV like a narcotic.  That rather than using my time for creating & doing & generally living life, I've sat motionless digesting hours of someone else's creativity or lack of, as the case may be.

Here are just some of the reasons why TV can be dangerous to your life:
  • It draws you in and makes you feel like you are experiencing something real.

  • It's sounds and images are over-stimulating and tiring.

  • It saps motivation.

  • It leaves you with no head-space to dream and plan.

  • It takes up valuable time that you could be using to create, plan, do, remember...

Ultimately It can be just another addiction that we use to escape difficult emotions and thoughts, instead of facing them head on and making a positive change. 

Us 2 in this home will continue to watch TV, but TV will take it's rightful place secondary to us actually living life.

I will keep you posted on our progress  - tune-in for further updates (pun intended)


  1. Moaning old git7 June 2014 at 19:05

    I feel like you're being a little preachy, I personally just watch TV occasionally when I'm too tired to do anything worthwhile, not everyone is is overloading on TV!

  2. Thanks for your comment MOG (Can I call you MOG?) Ha ha yes I take your meaning. It sounds like you've got things sorted - good for you! The rest of us however, have been in the death-grip addiction of TV for most of our lives. Ever walked down your road at night and looked at all the flashing lights in the windows, signifying that old one-eye is staring back at the paralysed masses? It's a frightening thing when you think about it. So my blog is a rallying cry to all of us who want to break free from the TV tyranny! Those who are immune to it's seductions carry on as you were (In a captain Mainwaring voice)

  3. I think TV is brilliant. It can be educational, entertaining & even a companion if you live on your own. Some people like myself just aren't very creative & don't really have any hobbies or interests. It's really nice to get in from work and catch up on whats going on in Albert Square while I'm eating my tea.

    1. Penelope Uritan17 June 2014 at 21:41

      I've personally never owned a TV & never will! TV is destroying society by rotting people's brains & corrupting their views. It tells them what to think & breeds ugly procrastination. I find it amazing when people at work talk about a TV programme as if it's real. I've never seen Midsummer Morse, but it sounds horrid with people being murdered in a small village, why would anyone want to watch something like that? Eastfolk has been on for years apparently, with nasty Ben & Angela who used to run the Queen Liz pub constantly in the headlines. Get a life people! The only programme I watched as a kid was "Why don't you" which at least had a good message about not watching TV. Is that still on? I wouldn't know as I don't watch TV!

  4. I think it's a matter of personal choice whether people want to watch TV or not. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, it's up to you what you do in the privacy of your own home. People are entitled to their views of course, it's a free country. If you don't like TV don't watch it, if you do then watch it. I really think it's that simple.

  5. I think it all comes down to education. People need to be made aware of the choices they have in life and the effect of watching too much TV. It should start in schools and be part of life skills classes. The government needs to provide guidance on this & make sure it's part of the school curriculum. I don't know how many studies have been published on the effects of TV on our children, but the government needs to make these studies freely available.

    1. I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. TV is a harmless bit of fun, something to do after work and at weekends. I've never heard anyone say that TV is dangerous, I mean they would tell us on the news if it was?! It's part of being British to settle down in front of the TV with your spouse, a lovely dinner on your lap & a cup of tea during the adverts. Please stop bashing TV, me and the wife love it!

    2. Penelope Uritan17 June 2014 at 22:12

      Mr Creen, you gave the distinct impression you lived on your own in your first comment, but now you mention a wife? What's going on?

    3. No I do have a wife, we both enjoy watching TV

    4. Penelope Uritan17 June 2014 at 22:23

      It's just that you talk about TV being a "companion if you live on your own" and then you end with "while I'm eating my tea" not "we" but "I'm"

    5. Let's leave the poor guy alone, if he wants to say he has a wife, then let him. There's always such a taboo about people being on their own, like everyone has to find a partner or their life isn't complete.

    6. Penelope Uritan17 June 2014 at 22:29

      Polly are you single as well?

  6. who the bloody hell are all you lot. ive been commenting on this blog since day one. where's Jimmy? haven't any of you heard of the World Cup? the World Cup's on TV. if there wasn't TV how would there be a World Cup? i read TV tyranny as TV tranny. i hope that doesn't offend anyone. where's Jimmy?
